The Genius of Charles Handy

It could have been written today.

In fact many ‘gurus’ are re-writing it today. Passing it off I think is the phrase:)

A summary* of Charles Handy’s 21 year old, The Elephant and the Flea.

‘Charles Handy's book 'The Elephant and the Flea' is a metaphorical exploration of the changing nature of work and organisations in the modern world.

Handy uses the metaphor of the elephant and the flea to represent two types of organisations: the traditional, large, hierarchical organisation (the elephant) and the small, flexible, entrepreneurial organisation (the flea). He argues that the traditional organisation is becoming less relevant in the modern world, as technology and globalisation have led to a shift towards more flexible, decentralised structures.

Handy suggests that individuals must learn to adapt to this changing landscape by developing their own personal brand, taking responsibility for their own careers, and learning to thrive in a more fluid and uncertain environment. He also explores the concept of the "portfolio worker", who balances multiple income streams and works for multiple organisations simultaneously.

Overall, Handy's book encourages readers to embrace change and adapt to the new realities of work in the modern world, rather than clinging to outdated models of organisation and career development.’

Isn’t it brilliant? Trends are trends. Fads are fads. The former has longevity, the latter not.

*Courtesy (surely not Copyright) of ChatGPT.


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